Is it ever too late to pay for a crime? While thousands of Holocaust perpetrators were brought to trial immediately after World War II, interest in seeking justice for Nazi crimes waned with the start of the Cold War. However, a few determined individuals continued to bring perpetrators to account in trials held around the world.
Learn about these "Nazi hunters" whose dogged pursuit of justice helped bring criminals like Adolf Eichmann and Klaus Barbie to justice. Despite challenges and controversies, prosecutors worked tirelessly on behalf of the victims of the Holocaust—and laid the foundation for pursuing today’s perpetrators of genocide and crimes against humanity.
Andrew Nagorski, Journalist and Author of The Nazi Hunters
Eli Rosenbaum, Director of Human Rights Enforcement Strategy and Policy at the Department of Justice
Dr. Elizabeth White, Historian at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum and Former Deputy Chief, Human Rights and Special Prosecutions Section at the Department of Justice in the Office of Special Investigations
Rachel Martin, Host, Weekend Edition Sunday, NPR
Raphael Prober, Washington Lawyers Committee Co-Chair
The Nazi Hunters
More than seven decades after the end of the Second World War, the era of the Nazi Hunters is drawing to a close as they and the hunted die off. Their full saga can now be told.